Program for research projects and pre-studies

Program to fund research projects and pre-studies

There is a great need to continuously develop knowledge that can contribute to better and more effective measures for healthy and prosperous running waters, archipelagos and marine environments which in turn contributes to good conditions for plant and animal species richness. For that purpose, BalticWaters finances a long-term program to support research within social and natural sciences, aiming at a better understanding of our local environments and contributing to knowledge development about measures that can restore and preserve them.

A precondition is that the research focuses on the Baltic Sea and aims to increase the knowledge about measures that can improve the environment, both from a short and long-term perspective. Projects that have bearing on the foundation’s focus areas, that have the potential to lead to a healthier Baltic Sea and a well-founded governance and management of our inland sea can be funded. The foundation will award projects that create public benefit and contribute to concrete measures for a healthier Baltic Sea. It is positive if the project applications have an innovative approach and can contribute to new, or further develop existing knowledge. The projects can, for example, be case studies on a smaller scale where a new method or an equipment is tested.

Financial support can also be awarded to interdisciplinary projects within environmental communication where researchers and practitioners work together to bridge the gap between knowledge and practical measures in new and innovative ways. Communication projects based on the foundation’s focus areas will also be considered. For all projects, it applies that they must, in a concrete way show that the research has the potential to create public benefit, contribute to a healthier Baltic Sea and knowledge-based decisions for a better management of our inland sea.

The scope of the call and who can apply

The research grant can cover expenses for equipment, field and interview studies, consumables, and travel that are necessary to carry out the project. Funds for salary can be given to the applying researcher or an external party in the project. The foundation finances costs from 500 000 up to 1 million SEK for projects and pre-studies that run for one to two years. An applicant can, maximum twice, be awarded a grant from this call. The foundation intends to distribute 5 million SEK per year to 5 – 8 projects. The applicant should be a researcher that holds a Ph.D. and is currently employed at a university or a research institute.

The reason why BalticWaters supports
research projects and pre-studies

This type of program is important from several perspectives. It means that the foundation continuously can allocate funds in knowledge-building projects in areas where new knowledge, development of existing knowledge or attempts at new and innovative measures are needed. It also gives the foundation the opportunity to search for initiatives or projects that have the potential to create public benefit and make a difference for the Baltic Sea environment and in the long run could be scaled up to larger demonstration projects.

Another important aspect is that the projects continuously collaborate with authorities and decision-makers. This means that the foundation will work to ensure that the knowledge produced contributes to decision-making processes and the implementation of measures.

Welcome to apply!

Previous year’s funded projects

Read about the six projects that were funded 2023 here.
Read about the four projects that were funded 2022 here.

Program to fund research projects and pre-studies

Are you conducting research within social or natural sciences that can create social benefit and result in concrete measures for a healthier Baltic Sea? It is now possible to apply for research grants that contribute to knowledge-building about measures to reduce eutrophication and restore ecosystems.

What funding can be applied for

BalticWaters can award research projects and pre-studies that have bearing on the foundation’s focus areas. The foundation will award projects with an innovative approach that contribute to concrete measures for a healthier Baltic Sea and develop new, or further develop existing knowledge that can be a base for well-founded governance and management of our inland sea. The projects can, for example, be case studies on a smaller scale where a new method or equipment is tested. A research grant can also be awarded to interdisciplinary projects in environmental communication where researchers and practitioners work together to bridge the gap between knowledge and concrete measures in new and innovative ways. To get funded, projects must show in a clear and concrete way how they create public benefit, that the research has potential to contribute to a healthier Baltic Sea and knowledge-based decisions for better management of our inland sea.

Funding can be applied for research projects, field and pre-studies in natural sciences and technology as well as social sciences (with emphasis on economy, law, and political science). Applications from other social science disciplines will also be considered.

The research grant can cover expenses for equipment, field and interview studies, consumables and travel that are necessary to carry out the project. Funds for salary can be given to the applying researcher or an external party in the project. The foundation finances costs, up to 1 million SEK for projects and pre-studies that run for one to two years.

The applicant should be a researcher that holds a Ph.D. and is currently employed at a university or a research institute.

Criteria and selection

The applications will be handled by the foundation’s board and, if necessary, with the support of external experts. Criteria that will be used in the selection are:

  • Relevance to the foundation’s focus areas
  • The project’s potential to create public benefit and contribute to effective measures for the Baltic Sea
  • The project’s potential to be scaled up
  • Scientific rigor in method and implementation
  • The applicant’s qualifications


The application can be written in Swedish or English, but the popular science description must always be written in Swedish. Fill in all the information in the application template and attach your CV. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Send your application and CV to:


A report on the project’s implementation, results, and published work as well as how the results have been disseminated to the general public and stakeholders is expected within one year after the end of the project period.

Payment of research funds and overhead

Research funds are paid to the department to cover project costs at two to four occasions a year. In addition, the foundation can pay a small advance (maximum 20% of the amount applied for to facilitate the start-up of the project). BalticWaters reimburses a maximum of 20% over head.

Equipment and instruments

Instruments or equipment purchased with funds granted by the foundation normally belong to the university where the researcher is affiliated. BalticWaters reserves the right to assess on a case-by-case basis whether the instrument or equipment may be of use to the foundation’s future work. If this is the case, the instrument or equipment shall be returned to the foundation after the completion of the project, which shall also be stated in the agreement signed between the foundation and the beneficiary.

Information on the 2025 call will be available shortly.

About BalticWaters
BalticWaters is an independent foundation that carries out projects with the aim of identifying and demonstrating measures that can contribute to a healthier Baltic Sea. The foundation conducts projects on land, along the coast and in the sea, mainly focusing on challenges related to fishing and eutrophication. The foundation also works with advocacy and communication, to spread knowledge. Read more about our projects here.

Our calls