About BalticWaters
Keep the sea alive. What does quality of life really mean? Many things, of course, but one of the most important is the environment we live in. What surrounds us and is always there. Living in beautiful, harmonious environments creates well-being. We in Sweden are fortunate: we are surrounded by a sea that gives pleasure in many ways. Vast horizons that bring calm. Summer dips to cool off. Winter baths that revitalise. A moment of satiation that brings back childhood memories. Dancing on the pier. The picnic on the beach. Sailing where only the waves and wind can be heard. Ice skating on clear, sparkling ice. We probably all have our own memories of the sea – we are a coastal country where most of us have access to the sea. But with today’s negative developments, the Baltic Sea environment could collapse. We would become a country surrounded by a fishless, un-swimmable sea. A sea that looks like a green soup for parts of the year. For us, a sea without life is unthinkable. And we think you feel the same. Because there is no alternative: we need to keep the sea alive. Otherwise we die a little too. It’s a battle of life and death. And we are on the side of life.
Our areas of activity
BalticWaters is an independent foundation with a single goal: to keep our sea alive. Saving a sea is not easy and cannot be solved overnight. Change requires action, expertise, and perseverance. To keep our sea alive, we are working on a long-term basis with:
Projects and research that show that change is possible Together with universities, organisations, and institutions, BalticWaters carries out projects where we turn theory into action and solutions.
Fish research laboratory BalticWaters is establishing a new fish research laboratory – the first of its kind in the Baltic Sea region.
Knowledge that enables change The foundation works actively to enable new research and disseminate knowledge about the Baltic Sea.
Advocacy so that decisions are taken and measures implemented BalticWaters conducts extensive and persistent advocacy for a maritime policy that puts the Baltic Sea environment first.

BalticWaters is a fundraising foundation
With the support of our main funder and founder Ann-Sofie Mattson, BalticWaters runs several large-scale environmental projects, carries out calls aimed at researchers and students, conducts active advocacy work, and establishes a new fish research laboratory – the first of its kind in the Baltic Sea region.
But to be able to start and run new projects and initiatives, and to scale up our existing activities, we need support from external donors. A living sea requires long-term and persistent work – with additional funding we can disseminate knowledge and contribute to research on effective measures.
Together with our partners and donors, we can join forces to keep the sea alive!
Statues and annual report
The statutes of the foundation can be found here (in Swedish). In 2023, BalticWaters changed its legal name – from Fundraising Foundation BalticWaters2030 to Fundraising Foundation BalticWaters. In everyday writing and speech, only BalticWaters is used. Link to the board decision can be found here (in Swedish).
BalticWaters’ latest annual report is available here (in Swedish).
More information about the board of directors and employees can be found here.