Scholarship program for early career researchers

Scholarship program for researchers at the beginning of their careers

Researchers who have recently graduated and obtained their doctoral degree are an important resource for future research and shape the creative research base, contributing to developments of ideas and innovations. To support PhD-students and researchers at the beginning of their careers, BalticWaters launches a scholarship program contributing with funds for equipment and travels necessary for carrying out scientific studies. BalticWaters strive to support the development of knowledge in different research areas and welcomes thus applications from researchers in different disciplines, both natural and social sciences. The Scholarship program for new researchers is funded by Kerstin Skarne and family.

Scholarship for action-oriented research

The Baltic Sea faces extensive and complex challenges such as eutrophication, overfishing and emission of harmful chemicals. A changing climate is also a growing threat to the Baltic Sea environment. Achieving a healthier ocean requires strong measures based on science. It requires a knowledge building on functioning measures from different perspectives, both natural and social sciences. The aim of the applicant’s research, regardless of subject orientation, should build up knowledge about measures that can lead to reduced eutrophication, functioning ecosystems, and a better management of our inland sea.

The scope of the scholarship and the applicant

The scholarship program is aimed at PhD-students, researchers holding a PhD, postdoctoral researchers and assistant professors hired at universities and research institutes, who have funding for their salary but need additional support to conduct their research. PhD-students can apply for up to SEK 100,000 for equipment, field studies, materials and travel necessary to carry out the research. Others, that is, researchers holding a PhD, postdoctoral researchers and assistant professors can apply for up toSEK 200,000 for the same purpose. Funds for salary may be granted in certain cases. The application must clearly state what the funds will be used for. BalticWaters reimburses a maximum of 20% over head. The scholarship can be awarded maximum twice to the same applicant. The foundation intends to award a maximum of SEK 1.5 million per year for this purpose.

The reason why BalticWaters establishes the scholarship program

The foundation wants to increase the attractiveness of natural and social science research aimed at developing new knowledge about our environment, as well as measures that can contribute to maintaining good ecological status in run-of waters, archipelagos, and marine environments.

In the long term, the foundation hopes that the program will be self-financed through external donations and gifts from individuals, companies, and organizations. But it takes time to build up knowledge of the investment, which is why funds for the first 5 years will be distributed by the foundation.

Welcome to apply!

Scholarship program for researchers at the beginning of their careers

Researchers at the beginning of their careers are an important resource for future research, and shape the creative base, contributing to developments of ideas, and innovations. Therefore, BalticWaters has a scholarship program to support new researchers and their work for the Baltic Sea environment.

Research support in various research areas

The Baltic Sea faces extensive and complex challenges such as eutrophication, overfishing and emissions of harmful chemicals. A changing climate is another growing threat to the Baltic Sea environment. Achieving a healthier ocean requires strong measures based on science. There is a need to build up knowledge about effective measures from different perspectives, therefore, BalticWaters awards scholarships to researchers at the beginning of their careers who are active in natural sciences and technology as well as social sciences (with emphasis on economics, law, and political science). Applications from other social science disciplines will also be considered.

Criteria and selection

The applications will be handled by the foundation’s board and, if necessary, with the support of external experts. Criteria that will be used in the selection of candidates are:

  • Relevance to the foundation’s focus areas
  • The degree of innovation in the research approach or project
  • The project’s potential to create public benefit and contribute to effective measures for the Baltic Sea
  • Scientific rigor in method and implementation
  • The applicant’s qualifications

Innovative research initiatives and projects with the potential to contribute to a better environment in the Baltic Sea will be prioritized. The board does not provide any justification for applications that are not granted.

Who can apply

PhD-students that have finished their first year and researchers that recently graduated and obtained their PhD (no earlier than 2018) within natural sciences and technology as well as social sciences (with emphasis on economics, law, and political science). Applications from other social science disciplines will also be considered. The applicant must be hired at a university or research institute in Sweden.


The application must contain a description of the research approach or project and its potential implementation, with a specified budget and the applicant’s curriculum vitae with information on livelihood during the project period. We welcome applications in Swedish or English but the popular science summary must be written in Swedish. Fill in all the information in the application template and attach your CV. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Send your application to: If you have questions about the program – email Helene Limén at

Schedule for the 2024 call

  • The call opens on 18 September, and closes on 18 December 2024.
  • Decisions on granted projects will be published in March 2025.
  • Scholarships are paid within 3 months after the decision has been taken.


A report on the project’s implementation, result, and published work as well as how the result has been disseminated to the public and stakeholders should be sent to the foundation no later than 1 year after the completion of the study.

About BalticWaters
BalticWaters is an independent foundation that carries out projects with the aim of identifying and demonstrating measures that can contribute to a healthier Baltic Sea. The foundation conducts projects on land, along the coast and in the sea, mainly focusing on challenges related to fishing and eutrophication. The foundation also works with advocacy and communication, to spread knowledge. Read more about our projects here.

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